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NJ Library Construction Bond Awarded to the Alfred H. Baumann Free Public Library


Woodland Park has been awarded a $2,883,577 grant for the renovation and updating of the Alfred H. Baumann Free Public Library.

This is the LARGEST grant EVER received by the Borough. The grant, in addition to capital reserve that the Library Board has saved over many years, money fundraised by the Friends of the Library and some funding from the town will match the State grant to complete this project.

The work to secure this grant has occurred since 2016. Our new Library is something that our Director, Linda Hoffman, her staff, the Library Board of Trustees, the Friends of the Library, and our patrons have been working for – for a very long time. It’s a testament to their work and advocacy that we have been granted this money and will have a state-of-the-art library built within the next two years.

Congratulations to our entire community on this HUGE accomplishment.

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